
Yesterday turned out to be a shopping day, just like monday.
Lucky me!
Young came by the shop and we went to Arnold Busck to look at books (i bought three, two of them on sale) and to a cute little vintage shop close by.

Young got these awesome, but tiny shoes (damn my average sized feet)
We both liked this bag, but it had no shoulder strap and that's a deal-breaker
This coat was amazing, but a little too big
Back at the shop, Lucifer was chillin in his basket (it's doggy t-shirt weather already)
I wore the green rabbit dress Hanna found for me at Topshop
And my new shoes that seem to be surprisingly easy to break in
Oh, and i also got this dress at Traffic People
And these, i'm guessing 90's, winter boots at the vintage shop
I'm so fucking predictable

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