Honestly i wasn't aware until yesterday cause i haven't been on my computer for days.
We've once again had visitors, this time from Germany, and between hanging out with them and work, there hasn't been much time for interweb stuff. At least not the computer kind.
Thank god for twitter and instagram!
Now, where did i leave you last... around Lucifer's birthday?
It was a good birthday with lots of walks, snacks, cuddles and a mini burger (it's becoming

Lucifer also made a little friend who kept asking him to come out and play
Here i am with our dear friends Sascha and Anki on the couch Thursday night, minutes before we fell asleep to a movie
I've been doing some serious hat making...
... and a whole lotta not so serious gardening
I was lucky enough to find this goldmine of a container full of bricks

And with my newfound trash-treasure i built a little path in the little garden
I did a little bit of
hat selling too, which is always so nice for me
Other amazing things that happened while i've been away: we purchased a grill for the shop, and had an amazing barbecue on Friday (i will post pictures of the magnificent beast on the shop blog) AND we had a maybe even more amazing (in my opinion) "Eurovision Song Contest homemade pizza night" of which i didn't take a single picture, because i was too busy baking, voting and live-tweeting, all at the same time!
But trust me when i said it was fun (for me, anyway!)*
Today is one of those Sundays that feels like a Saturday because we were at the shop all day yesterday.
Our Germans went back to hamburg no more than 20 minutes ago, and none of us really know what to do with the rest of our day off.
For now, i think i'm gonna take my dog for a proper walk.
*I voted for Ireland...
Ahem, sorry.Labels: Awesomeness, Best buddies, Copenhagen, Creatures, Etsy, Food, Hats, Home, iPhone, Lucifer, Treehuggin