Saturday at the festival was probably as hot as friday, but at least we came prepared.
Lucky for us, we had almost no bands we really needed to see, so we pretty much stayed in the backstage area behind the Pavillion stage the whole day.
Lame, i know, but it still beats hanging out in Media-whore town.*
That day i think the show list looked like this:
Cancer Bats (scroll down for photos)
Slipknot, against my will and better judgment (for some reason everyone wanted to go, me and Wookie lasted about three songs before we had to leave that nightmare, but the pyro was ok)
Fever Ray (stayed for two songs, it was good, but there was way too many people there just waiting for the next band, and we got claustrophobic)
Allan had his fancy cam with him, so expect prettier pictures on
that other blog soon

It's not often we see a show from this angle (we didn't stay there long, we wanted to see our new friends play from the front row)

I'd actually never heard their music before (shh), so i'm glad they were good, it would have been so awkward if i thought they sucked

A full tent, couldn't have been better

Oh, delicious free backstage food... we ate, like, three big meals that day!

Reindeer meatballs? The vikings would approve!

*A VIP area for the labels and media, a place where the Copenhagen party elite can do coke and lick each others asses without the general public bothering them.
It's like a Copenhagen pseudo-celeb clubscene away from Copenhagen.
And it's pretty much the only part of the festival those people ever see.Labels: Awesomeness, Food